Honeymoon Island/Caladesi Island

Honeymoon Island can be found in Dunedin. It’s very close to Caladesi Island as well (about 15 minutes by kayak)! Here you’ll find 4 miles of beaches and three miles of trails that traverse a pristine virgin slash pine forest. This is one of the last remaining slash pine forests in all of Florida!

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Honeymoon Island is a famous location for weddings and romantic getaways. It never gets too crowded like some other Florida beaches, so it’s a great place to relax and enjoy the company of your special someone.

The romantic vistas make Honeymoon and Caladesi Islands perfect for kayaking in Florida! Rent equipment through the concession stand and kayak around the bay area. If you bring your own kayaks or paddleboards, you can explore the lovely Pelican Cove.

While you’re on the water, you’ll see native Florida wildlife like ospreys, turtles, rattlesnakes, and armadillos. Keep your eyes peeled to find unique shells.

You can purchase seasonal or annual passes, but a day trip is only $8 for a full car or $4 for a single person.

Before you go, check our full guide for tips when exploring Honeymoon Island!