Chicken Curry

Desi food captures the heart and soul of traditional Indian cuisine, and it’s experienced an explosion of popularity across the United States and the world.

Chicken Curry
Food & Drink

Its complex flavors are easily reproduced if you know where to start, and this week, we’re helping you get there with a delectable recipe for chicken curry from Orange County, California’s Michelin-rated Halal restaurant Khan Saab Desi Craft Kitchen.

“Chicken Curry is a classic Indian dish that can be found on just about every restaurant menu,” says Khan Saab’s executive chef and Founder, Imran “Ali” Mookhi. “While I’ve done my research, I couldn’t tell you where it originated. I have so many memories of eating this dish with my family. In fact, we’d eat it with rice and lentils every Friday night after prayer, so it was an obvious and nostalgic choice to offer it at Khan Saab when I was creating the menu.”

