Golden Foot Massage & Spa

Totally a wildcard, Golden Massage and Spa in Coral Gables serves up that fab foot massage you only find in the Chinatowns of New York and LA. For $45 an hour, you get to lie back in a comfy reclining chair bed with your feet in a tub of hot water while your massage therapist works his/her way from your head to your arms to your feet to your legs to your back.

Style & Beauty - 02-02-2023 17:14

Totally a wildcard, Golden Massage and Spa in Coral Gables serves up that fab foot massage you only find in the Chinatowns of New York and LA. For $45 an hour, you get to lie back in a comfy reclining chair bed with your feet in a tub of hot water while your massage therapist works his/her way from your head to your arms to your feet to your legs to your back. This rubdown focuses specifically on the feet and feels like pure magic. Hot stones are part of the mix as are hot towels to dry your feet after they’ve soaked in the tub. Fancy massages are wonderful, sure, but you haven’t really lived until you’ve had this kind of foot massage.