Cassadaga Hotel

The best place to stay in Cassadaga is the Cassadaga Hotel, for many reasons!

Cassadaga Hotel
Life Style

First off, no kids allowed! The Cassadaga Hotel provides adults only lodging for those in search of supernatural encounters and spiritual growth. This is also a great place to try and capture photos of energies beyond this world.

Guests are encouraged to keep a close eye on their belongings, as ghostly visitors have been known to shuffle them around. We are assured that the ghosts in the hotel are a friendly bunch, but one can never be too certain!

The Cassadaga Hotel also offers a rare crystal healing bed experience where you can make an appointment with a Reiki Master Healer. This encounter is meant to expand one’s awareness and put them on the path toward healing; whether that healing be mental, physical, or spiritual.

The Cassadaga Hotel also features a restaurant, gift shop, and plenty of group events like ladies night and expert-led seances. Whatever your supernatural interest is, you are sure to satisfy it here!

