Four Mile Cove Ecological Preserve

A hidden gem in a forest of mangroves along the Caloosahatchee River, you’ll find one of the best things to do in Cape Coral. The Four Mile Cove Ecological Preserve is the second largest in Cape Coral, spanning 365 acres.

Four Mile Cove Ecological Preserve
Life Style

Hikers will enjoy the 1.2-mile loop trail through the mangrove fringes. From the Visitor Center, a boardwalk runs into a rare coastal prairie with benches, perfect for bird-watching! Make sure to look out for burrowing owls!

As the boardwalk winds through needlerush marshes and shaded corridors of saltbush, you’ll emerge in an area with giant leather ferns. Before the trail loops back, you’ll be afforded great views of Thomas Edison’s winter home across the river.

Once you’ve walked the trail, rent a kayak from November to May on the weekends! Launch your boat into a puzzle of waterways that elegantly snake through the mangroves.

If you’re an angler, head to the observation deck near mile marker 0.2. From here, you can cast your lines into the Caloosahatchee River. Make sure to check with the land manager before you fish. Algae blooms may be flushed down periodically from Lake Okechobee.

