International Chalk Festival

While Venice Beach is home to the Shark Tooth Festival, they are also home to the International Chalk Festival, with artists congregating from all over the world to participate!

International Chalk Festival
Life Style

Chalking is one of the oldest styles of performance art. An artist will complete a piece of work on the ground, usually in one sitting. The process is just as stunning as the finished masterpiece, which lasts temporarily before it fades away with the next rainfall.

The scale of this festival is overwhelming. In 2007, over 60,000 guests were in attendance watching 250 artists create their work. Everybody watches where they step of course!

The artists are tasked with an annual theme. Past themes have been “Eat, Drink, & Be Merry” and “Love and Peace.” World records have been broken by these masterpieces. The record for largest anamorphic pavement art in the world was broken by a piece raising awareness about rising animal extinction rates.

You certainly don’t have to be an art lover to appreciate this festival. It is one of the most fun South Florida fairs, with at least one chalking sure to put a smile on your face.

