See A Show At The Magnificient Olympic Theatre

The Olympic Theatre has been Downtown Miami’s performing arts center since 1926 – when it opened as the first air-conditioned building in the South. It’s stunning Moorish architecture, impeccable acoustics, and the simulated night sky, complete with wafting clouds and twinkling stars have turned heads ever since.

 See A Show At The Magnificient Olympic Theatre
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No matter which show you are considering, the Olympic Theatre will tantalize and delight with its s famed atmospheric style interior. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1984, this incredible space has recently been stored, and it’s trying to find its feet once again as a performing arts venue. The exterior gives you a taste of what lies within, but you need to get inside for a show for the full experience.

The Olympic Theatre website listed events, including film screens, unique variety shows, and slightly wacky podcast recordings. They have also been offering occasional free programming on Wednesday nights.

